2: Finding Balance: Female Bodybuilder Sam Knibbs on Overcoming Body Dysmorphia and Binge Eating

Episode 2 May 28, 2024 00:38:32

Hosted By

Jill Moellering

Show Notes

Sam Knibbs shares her journey with body dysmorphia, binge eating, and her flexible approach to nutrition. She emphasizes the importance of mindset, self-love, and self-growth in achieving health and fitness goals.
Connect with Sam
Host: Jill Moellering, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/freedomandflourish
00:00 Introduction to Sam Knibbs and her journey
02:46 From Body Dysmorphia to a Flexible Approach to Nutrition
05:56 The Power of Mindset and Self-Love in Health and Fitness
08:53 Finding Balance with an 80-20 Approach to Nutrition
12:03 Prioritizing Self-Care and Stress Management for Motivation
20:01 Building Self-Confidence and Believing in Your Success
24:48 Movement and Exercise: Finding What Works for You
28:52 The Importance of Self-Care and Positive Influences
33:03 Advice for Women Struggling with Fitness and Motivation
36:10 Where to Find Sam Knibbs and Learn More
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Episode Transcript

Jill Moellering (00:01) Hello, beautiful ladies. I'm Jill Moellering the host of Freedom and Flourish. And today we're talking with Sam Knibbs. She's here to share with us about her own struggles with body dysmorphia, binge eating, and now her flexible approach to nutrition. She's a busy mom of a one -year -old and the owner of SK Fitness, where she helps other moms reach their health and fitness goals through a holistic approach with a focus on mindset, self -love, and a self -growth journey. Sam, welcome to the show. I'm so excited to talk to you today about your journey and just how you came to this balanced approach with your diet and now how you're helping others do the same. Sam Knibbs (00:39) Yeah, thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here. If there's some random background noise, my four month old puppy is right at my feet making noises. So hopefully that doesn't pop up too much. But yeah, I really went through this health and fitness journey myself through competing. I've always been active, but with the whole dieting approach. I competed in my first competition quite a few years ago now and that first competition that I did, I did strict dieting win and then I was able to have these cheat meals and I went all out on my cheat meals and after my competition I ate everything and anything and I felt so so sick after that. Then I went ahead, I did hire a different coach and I did a more flexible approach. where I allowed for all foods, but still, I still had the challenge or I had the challenge for myself to compete because I did still wanted to do that. And after that competition, I did not binge. I was like, I don't know what I want. I'm like, it doesn't really matter because I didn't not allow myself to have any foods in the previous month. So that approach really helped me and that was such a healthier. mindset and healthier relationship with food. So that approach I really targeted towards my clients. And specifically in 2000 or 2020, I met up with a mindset coach and really focus on my self care and self development. And through that change in myself, I really targeted my clients in shifting their mindset. in order for them to help reach their health and fitness goals. So it's sort of this whole holistic approach from my past experiences that helps my clients reach their health and fitness goals. So hopefully that answers your question. Jill Moellering (02:42) Definitely, I think that's where most people start off is, you know, what worked for me or what I struggled with and then overcoming that yourself and then being able to help somebody else. Tell me a little bit about the mindset that you have had to learn to adapt so that you could have that flexible approach. Because I was wondering, like sometimes when, you know, we can have all foods if, I don't know if you're this way, but if you do struggle with binge eating, having all foods, you still have cravings and then what do you do with that? So maybe that's a lot of questions, but about mindset and cravings and not binging. Sam Knibbs (03:19) Yeah, so when I allowed myself all foods, I have this approach that I do 80 % healthy whole foods, 20 % treat foods, because I do so want to fuel my body. And my viewpoint of food and nutrition is that it's fueling my body. And I want to treat my body with respect that it deserves. And the whole mindset shift that I went through is that I did not have self -control. I would not be on this call or even think that I could be on this call a couple years ago. I would be scared like scared out of my mind, but through the process of building my self -confidence and knowing my self -worth and believing that I can and believing that my body deserves the best that it does through my own mental health and mindset shift that I did and the work that I did on myself. that has sort of helped me have a different perspective with food as well. So when my clients struggle with certain ideas, I always try to challenge them to look at it in a different perspective as well with that healthier mindset, if that makes sense. Jill Moellering (04:31) Yeah, can you give me an example of that? Because I know like in the beginning of my journey when there was we were talking about you just mindset and just overcoming self and self -sabotage and like doing the inner work. Can you give me like an example of what that would look like? Sam Knibbs (04:48) Yeah, for sure. So a few things that I do is I am affirmations. Love, love, love. I am affirmations. I do it several times throughout the day. Even when I'm working out, say doing a bicep curl, if self -confidence is something that I'm working on, I could do a bicep curl and do, I am confident. I am confident. And so you're literally getting in 30 reps of I am confident in a short period of time, just like we need to do. lift weights in order to build muscle and work on our muscles, we need to do the repetition with our mindset in order to help out our mind and develop that even further. And I'm still continuing to do it today. And another thing that I do is my journal. Every single morning, I write down my goals, I write down an I am affirmation, something that I'm really wanting to focus on during this time. So repetition, writing it down, saying it out loud, that is just a simple tool that I implemented in my everyday life. Jill Moellering (05:55) Yeah, journaling is such a huge one. And I remember years ago just hearing so much good things about journaling and being like, I wish I could journal, but I really didn't have like the self motivation back then. and to make it actually happen. Do you ever have clients that you work with that struggle, like making those choices where you give them, aren't making the decision to do that and to sit down and do it and what, you know, how do you help them through that? Sam Knibbs (06:19) Yeah. Yeah, that's a big question. Motivation is super duper challenging. And I say to my clients that I'm not motivated all the time. It's that's, I'm just not. And there's some days that I'm feeling low as well. And it is that choice that you have to make. I always say that the secret sauce to any health and fitness program is you. It's like yourself. You are the one that has to make that choice. It's not me. I can have the best program for you. A way that I reframe it and challenge my clients is yes, we have a goal in mind, but we focus on why is that our goal. So when you're not feeling motivated or not wanting to get up early to go to the gym or not wanting to do those extra reps, I want you to focus on your why. What is the reasoning why you want to accomplish this goal? And for some individuals, it's their family. It's that they want to live a healthy, long life for their family. They want to be more confident. They want to stand taller. They want to have more energy. So instead of say if they wanted to lose that 10 pounds, don't focus on that. Focus on how you want to look, how you want to feel, how what you want to exude to your audience or to everyone around you. So. I always just suggest and reframe just refocusing on your why is a super important thing to do. Jill Moellering (07:50) Yeah, I agree 100%. And then you almost tied in a little bit about like the belief and visualization of feeling it and believing that you can reach that goal. What is your like main reason why that you do this? Like the fitness and the journaling feature that. Sam Knibbs (08:10) Yeah, that big question. I just had a call with my clients all yesterday. I want to show that my daughter, I can do hard things. So I'm competing in Worlds this year. And I've taken a few years off. But yeah, I'm competing in Worlds and I want to show her that I can do hard things and that as females, we can do hard things, we can accomplish hard things. And just sharing that. healthy example. I teach this Kangoo Jones class. You're basically jumping on these bouncy boots. Super duper fun. And she spins in a circle and loves to dance. The music is blasting and she's dancing with that. And just those special experiences while doing a healthy activity. It's just like those memories is just amazing. And then overall just being... the healthiest, strongest version of myself for myself and then for my family. I want to be there for a long time for my family as well. Jill Moellering (09:13) Yep. I think that's really what it kind of comes down to for most people is like being there for my family, being able to see my grandkids and be mobile when I am old. So you've mentioned the bodybuilding competition, which is awesome. You're challenging yourself. I want to know how do you, cause I've struggled with like body dysmorphia and just really hypercritical of my body and you know, it's flaws or what I perceive to be its flaws. Sam Knibbs (09:24) Yes. Jill Moellering (09:42) How do you manage that with bodybuilding because it is so physical about your appearance? How do you manage that? Sam Knibbs (09:51) Really good question. I feel for me, it's gonna be there. I don't know if I can say that it's never gonna be there. It's just what I do because of it. So here's what I do. I know that when I'm at my leanness, I don't feel my leanness. Or when I'm just starting to prepare, I feel way bigger that it might feel like I actually look. So what I do is that whole mindset thing and that confidence in myself and those I am after me like ramp that up even more even more and I Communicate I communicate with my significant other even yesterday I was showing my husband my posing and I was just explaining how I'm feeling in my body and just having that conversation This is what how it is. This is how I feel just a heads up I'm still gonna keep doing my program cause I love it. And I still have that belief and confidence in myself cause I've done the mindset work and you sort of like, it's almost like taking a step away from your body and just like being proud of who you are. So it's a really hard question. I don't know if I would ever not have body dysmorphia. I just communicate and just be very open with it and just like, yeah, I'm feeling like this. Is it going to define me? Do I feel any worse because of it? Not really. Do I challenge myself to work harder in a healthy way? Yeah, I do. For competition reasonings, I know it's a little bit more extreme as compared to more of a lifestyle change, but I don't really let it affect me or veer off from my plan. I'm not going to like... my gosh, I needed to cut this many more calories because I'm feeling this way. Or I need to work this twice as much hard. No, I just trust the plan, trust the process, trust the mindset work that I did for myself. Jill Moellering (11:56) Yeah, I agree. Same with me. I will, the sneaky thoughts will come in where I'll like, especially like if I'm bloated for some reason, or just recently I was sharing, I was sick and so I couldn't eat as much. And like, I really wanted to like get on the scale. So like, just my body of like, where you can go from one minute of being like, ooh, I look really good to just being like, my God, I can't believe I look like this. I just feel like I'm letting myself go. This is gonna get out of control. But yeah, it's like that awareness that we have to be aware of the thoughts and to know that they're not true. And it is like you said, just refocus to like what my body can do and just be proud of myself and grateful for the other things, the more important things, like how I show up as a mom and how I show up to others in my business and you know, what my body can do that you can go and lift the weights, you know, and that's something and not letting our image of ourselves define us and our worth. and then taking it to the extreme unhealthy measures of, you know, fasting and then binging and being super strict and all of that. Sam Knibbs (13:02) 100 % I love that and yeah focusing on what you can do and that's huge and bringing it back to that why like when we focus on more of that those energy levels that we want to accomplish versus the number on the scale and we focus on that then it really doesn't matter what our body necessarily looks like we just know that We feel super strong because we can do the things that we can. We have more energy so we can do the things that we can do. So yeah, it's a really the mental mindset. It's a tricky game and I think it's always a work in progress. But it's definitely something to really focus on. Jill Moellering (13:44) Yeah, definitely. Well, taking it back like just a little bit, tell me, because it's hard for me to explain an 80 -20 because I feel like it's different for everybody. So I'd like to hear a little bit more about like the 80 -20 diet that you have with the flexibility. Sam Knibbs (14:01) Yeah, again, it's tricky if you say the word diet, but sometimes like what else do you really call it? It's just more of an approach that I like to say. And I give my clients a scale. Like, are we looking at say that I'm competing, I might be tracking and measuring a lot more intense, because most of my clients, they do want to lose weight because there are health things going on that their doctor has recommended it. or they need to because of mobility reasons or other health reasons. So you can either go full like tracking extreme or there's different forms of tracking and you gotta do what's well for your mental health as well. Or just more intuitive eating approach. When I've gone through my journey, so I just had my daughter last year, I did more of an 80 -20 approach and more intuitive eating. I didn't measure a thing. I just... did what felt good for my body. And then I had my wedding actually last year in Mexico. So I wanted to work hard for that. So I did, I just wanted to do like a mini cut for myself. So I just did a gentle approach and maybe tracked a little bit more. And that was okay because I have a healthy mindset as well. And then now I'm doing a little bit more of an intense tracking. So because I'm competing, but different phases of my life, I did something different. Do I expect my clients to do strictly like what I'm doing? No. Maybe the approach that I did when I was pregnant. So 80 -20, 80 % healthy whole foods, 20 % enjoy your treat foods. So that can be, you can look at it a few different ways. So if you look at on your plate, 80 % healthy whole foods. And what is a healthy whole foods? It's something that has one ingredient that you can like pick from a tree. that you can like it's one ingredient versus these processed things. 20 % treat foods. So if you really wanted to have that ice cream and that feeds your soul, then absolutely go for it. It gets to a point it's like, okay, are we having this as a tree or having this as an overindulgence? And then we're not feeling good after because there's something else that we needed to work on. And there's those mindset blocks and those limiting beliefs of ourselves. That's why I do work hand in hand with mindset stuff because sometimes we might over indulge to replace a certain feeling. So that's a whole other approach as well. But yeah. And then if you are tracking your calories, cause you do want to be in that calorie deficit, you can either just reduce your meal slightly, or if you wanted to go into tracking, you could go into that. or maybe we're in too much of a calorie deficit. I just had a client today, I was like, is that how low you have your calories set? She's like, yeah, I wanted to kickstart. I was like, well, that might be actually damaging your metabolism. Food is fuel, we need to fuel our body. And I was sharing my calories and I'm about double the amount of her. So you enjoy your food, have that healthy relationship with food, which can be challenging. Just gotta work on that. that portion. Jill Moellering (17:20) Yeah, absolutely. Do you see that a lot in your practice? I know I do as people not eating enough and how that significantly impacts their metabolism and just that, I know it's a hard shift to go from you actually need to eat more and that transition that happens. Can you share a little bit about that? Sam Knibbs (17:41) 100 % all the time I see that and it's challenging because you think less is like I don't know and so I just read like what I shared with my clients today that Sometimes that can be more damaging to your metabolism. It's also big stressor on your body So when we introduce stress into our body our body is basically like shut down mode like nope We're holding on to all this weight, so I always say If a person's goal, cause I do work with a lot of people that are looking for weight loss, it's just a small deficit. Healthy weight loss is one to two pounds per week. If we do more than that, that's not a lifestyle change. I love the lifestyle change approach. Can you do more? Yeah. Are you probably going to yo -yo diet potentially? And there, yeah, some of my clients do have maintenance goals or building goals and that's totally a different thing. I just use the example of weight loss because that's typically what I see most of. So the other thing I mentioned to my client is we do want to increase those a little bit just so we don't have that stressor on that body. As soon as stress comes in, I would even say work on stressor levels before even look at having a calorie deficit because we want to make sure those stress levels and... that self -worth and self -confidence. And I would rather someone work on that first than even delving into, say, quote unquote dieting. Jill Moellering (19:14) Mm -hmm, yeah, absolutely. I love that you mentioned stress and stress is such a huge piece of it. I just wanna, like I cannot overemphasize that enough to people. So tell me a little bit about that stress and stress management and self care and how you tie that all in to help your clients. Sam Knibbs (19:33) Yeah, so stress. So one, what is a stressor? One, can we remove it? Can we do something prior to help ourselves get through that? So obviously me coming on here, it's something that I don't do all the time. I've done a few podcasts, yes. So that is a stressor for myself. So I need to look after myself first. So I got my workout done this morning. I did my morning journaling this morning. So I come as prepared. as I can be for this. I don't answer my clients messages before like 10 a because I need to do, I need to fill up my cup first. I also wake up a little bit earlier before my daughter wakes up. I'm very lucky she sleeps in so I can do this. But I wake up a little bit earlier, get my journaling in, get my meditation in, get myself caring, fill up my cup. So, and I have like so smooth mornings with her, very stress free. Jill Moellering (20:18) you are. Sam Knibbs (20:31) stress free because I can have, I feel really good about myself so I'd be able to give that to her. She's in a lot better mood versus days that I'm like, shoot, I slept in a little bit, I didn't get my morning routine, I feel rushed, now I'm rushing her and it's just like amped up energy. So we've got to target those stressors first either by removing it, sometimes we do need to let people off our elevator. Versus and maybe we need to let people on our elevator. Who are we surrounding ourselves with? What does our environment look like? I share different ways to Set up your environment to be more motivational. Is it is your workout space at home super cluttered? Maybe that's a stressor for you. So maybe that's something we need to do first Maybe you need to clutter your house first before we can get a workout in that might be step one for you. So There's tons of different ways to reduce stress for sure. And that's just a snippet of what I do. Jill Moellering (21:33) Yeah, everyone is so, I've heard you say it just kind of a few times or not the exact word but just everyone's so bio individual. So like what works for one person doesn't work for another and where one person is at in their journey, not everyone needs to start with exercise. Not everyone needs to start with their diet that there's things that come before that. So I like that you said that. One thing I see is like these hectic. crazy schedules where, you know, especially as moms, we just wear so many hats and it's like we're waking up so early in the morning just to do our, just to get our kids off, you know, to school and, and then we're working late and then we've got sports. And so how, I mean, that's just so stressful. And it's like, you know, what do you do with that? Like, what are some, I like to call things upgrades, but what kind of things can that type of individual, cause I think that's a huge portion of. women out there. It's just we're so crazy busy. How do we find the time for these things? Sam Knibbs (22:32) Yeah, for sure. Great question. So a few different things. I'm always going to go back to getting your in your self care in your workouts to have more energy to be able to help you do the things that you want to do, but also your support system. That's huge as well. And I know it's unfortunate. Some people don't have that. We are very fortunate. We have my husband helps out laws. We have multiple grandparents that can help out. And tag teaming. I really, I heard this somewhere where it's like a couples thing where like, okay, I only got 10 % to give how much do you got to give? And you sort of balance each other out with that. And sometimes you might not have the energy to be there and it might not be 100 % energy all the time either. And that's okay as well. And sometimes we might look at having to reduce some of the things that we are doing if we are feeling overstressed and really focusing on trying to get a little bit of that self care in and for working out if your time frame is half an hour and you get an awesome workout in or it's a walk outside in fresh air. Amazing. That's awesome as well. I really encourage movement versus like working out at a gym. What you think is exercise. I have to work out this way. No. My one client this morning, he was saying that I didn't get a workout in because I spent time with my family on this. And he told me about his amazing day and I lifted a bunch of cement blocks, moved all over my house and like you got movement, you spend time with your family. That's a win. Amazing. Jill Moellering (24:15) Yep. Sam Knibbs (24:16) I'm like, I'd rather do that than go to the gym. I'm like, you got exercise and you got the benefits. Doesn't matter if you're lifting dumbbells or cement blocks, you're doing a row. So having a little bit of that perspective shift that even going for a walk with your family, you might be like, I should be going to the gym, but you're squatting down, picking up the flowers that your daughter's picking up, you're grabbing the rocks because you're collecting rocks. Like that's amazing too. And that's quality time with your family. because sometimes people think that's not exercise, but it is. Jill Moellering (24:50) Mm -hmm. Yeah, it doesn't all have to look one way where we are going to the gym four to five days a week for 45 minutes And it's like doing the best we can. I think that's how we maintain that consistency Right because it's like if I can't do this then I'm failing. It's like well, what did you do today? Sam Knibbs (25:14) Yeah, and that's so true. I feel like a lot of my clients, they'll, they have this viewpoint of what we should be doing. And if they can't do it that way, they fail. Where I take everything as a learning opportunity. And okay, cool, we did it that way. How can we do it differently? Or maybe even just mindset shift. Maybe we actually did really good or it's like, I only did. Four pushups, well how many did you do last week? Two? Awesome, you just doubled that, that's amazing. And just either having that little bit of a perspective shift or learning and growing from that. I always say like my daughter a few months ago just learning how to walk and every kiddo, like they fall down, it's okay, let's get back up, how are we gonna do it again? Like if we didn't get back up when we quote unquote failed. None of us would be walking at this point. We would not be learning the next skill. So that same thing, when we fall down, let's get back up, try again. Maybe we shifted too much this way, where we lost our balance, or too much this way, where we lost our balance. So we gotta learn and grow, and that's the awesome thing about life. Jill Moellering (26:26) Mm -hmm. Yeah, it's like everyone has their ups and downs and it's like instead of the shame and the guilt and beating themselves up it's like have some grace and some compassion for yourself and that's what helps keep you in the game versus I think the shame and the guilt and beating yourself up can take somebody out so Sam Knibbs (26:47) Absolutely. That shame and guilt too can be a lot of like deep rooted trauma as well. For sure. So that could be something that someone needs to work through and that could be someone might need to look at talking to a therapist and that's totally okay. What I encourage is having some sort of support system or some sort of accountability. So my clients, we all have a Facebook group and if someone's like, hey, I'm not feeling, I just saw a client this morning. They were like, I'm three pounds up, but I'm a belt notch down, which I'm like, that's awesome. And the amount of encouragement on that single post was amazing. So that guilt or shame pretty sure is gone already. So having a community, a support system, accountability partner, whether that's a friend, whether that family member, whether if you join a community, a fitness community, or going to a gym, a club, or whatever that may be. just having someone or something can be super helpful. Jill Moellering (27:50) Definitely, especially in the beginning, why we're learning to be our own cheerleaders and to really appreciate ourselves and look at the things that we've done well. And yeah, it really can help. I think some people, they've never done that kind of work where they've never seen themselves in a positive light and they just have lived a life of beating themselves up and putting themselves down. And so yeah, having that group of people that can help bring you up. and show you your worth and value, and then you can be your own cheerleader. And then the journaling piece, right? Like I do the journaling, like when I do my journaling, the IM statements, but also it's like, what good things did I do? And I don't just look at like my body, but I look at my attitude and my behavior and just all of the things to try to build myself up. Cause it's so easy for us to look at the negative and where we fell short. Sam Knibbs (28:45) Absolutely. And yeah, there are some times that we do go off rail and we just got to go back to what has worked well too before. I know when I, so February my daughter was born. So I'm like, okay, I've set it all up that I could take a step back from my business as well. I had some coaches, people managing different things. But I just wanted to look on my Facebook group. I'm like, I want to get cheered on. I want to see this positive community. I'm like, because I felt so disconnected, but I'm like, I want to be part of it because it's so motivating, so empowering. And even my positive podcast that you listen to, this one, there's so many other ones, books, everything like that. If we start taking that away, we might start to fall back into old habits. So these... things and routines and habits can be super helpful. Jill Moellering (29:43) Definitely. I have a hard question for you, I think. It would be a hard question for me. What do you think, who do you think has been the most influential in your journey? A book or a person? Sam Knibbs (29:59) Yeah, I feel like every part of me has sort of like different stages have helped different things. So I feel like my mom is a huge one. She's always been active, always done stuff with me. And she just naturally had that lifestyle. I'm like, I don't know how you do it. But she just like, yeah. And she she don't care what I mean about her. Anybody else thinks I'm like, I don't know how you don't. But just naturally just like that. It's just like amazing. She had her own business. So that was like a huge female role model that really pushed me. In 2020, I hired a business coach and he talked about nothing business related, just like, here, do this self -confidence program. And I did it. And it was all about your self -worth and believing that you can. I was like, I guess I can. Let's see what I can do. And then obviously building this community. And then of course I have to do a shout out for my husband as well. He exudes confidence. He's a very loud individual. Everyone will say how loud his voice is. And just everything is so positive. Like he doesn't worry about anything. Like it's just like everything. Like he sees the positive in everything. The light about everything. like we'll find it. Or like... if some people have a situation they might look at it in a negative way, it automatically all positive. I work hard to think that way. How do you naturally do it? So again, just surrounding yourself with the people that you're influenced by. So talk to my mom every day, talk to my husband every day, business coach, I'm still working with him. So there's been a few books. The... I did read a Grant Cardone rule or the rule book or whatever. It was like 10X. That was a cool one. I did a lot of mindset around there. Right now I'm listening to or reading a Rob Dial book. Really like that one. I'm so bad at titles and memes. His book is a good one. I feel like I have, I feel like I'm the busy mom. I don't remember specific details sometimes, but it's a good one. So just look at it. Yeah. Jill Moellering (32:11) Good. I'm saying same thing. All right so one more question for you. If there's a woman out there who is just really struggling with their fitness journey and motivation, what is one piece of advice that you would give to her? Sam Knibbs (32:23) Yeah. Great question. I feel like I can want to do multiple. Work on that self -confidence bit first, that mindset portion first. And if you don't know how, then like when I was going through my pregnancy journey, it was super challenging for myself. I didn't enjoy it. It was really tough for me. So what I did was I was listening to meditation, guided meditation for a positive, healthy birth. Because that's what I was really struggling with. And I was like, OK, I feel really good about this. Then all of a sudden, found out my daughter was breached. We're going to have to do a C -section. And I was like, I'm not ready for this. I'm like, I'm not prepared. I've prepared my mind this way. So I'm like, why don't I listen to a guided meditation for C -sections? So then I did that. I just Googled. I was like, looked it up. I was like, what is this? And then I felt really good about that. And then in depth, she flipped. So we were, but anyways, just if you're struggling, even like Googling that question or like, what is the podcast listening to this podcast? Would it be a good one? But having not just one resource around you, like if it's listening to a motivational podcast, if it's, following a motivational person on Instagram. You are the secret sauce. So if it's buying a journal book, where is it? Is it in your back closet or is it out in front with you? So all of it. But yeah, just know that you can. One, and if you don't quite believe in yourself, just start writing it down. Write it down 30 times every single day. Write down your goal 30 times every single day. Do that for a month and start with that and you'll start seeing things just coming your way. Jill Moellering (34:36) Awesome. Sam, where can our listeners find you, learn more about your programs? I know you have an upcoming retreat, right? Coming up, can you tell us just a little bit about all that? Sam Knibbs (34:48) Yeah, for sure. So Instagram, Facebook is my main thing. Instagram is Sam underscore SK Fitness, Facebook SK Fitness. We have our first ever retreat in Nicaragua, which I'm so excited for. It's in February, 2025. We host local retreats where I am from, Alberta, Canada. We do horseback riding locally and we do four mindset workshops because that's the main thing we do. We hike, we have workout classes and in Nicaragua we're doing there's yoga we have a yoga instructor on our team she's coming along as well the four mindset sessions we're on beachfront which is amazing it's a self -care for ourselves so yeah that's gonna be this podcast expanded delve deep into even more so And yeah, those are my main ones, my retreats, but yeah, I would say Instagram, Facebook, feel free to message me, even if you want just a check -in that works as well. Jill Moellering (35:52) Thank you so much Sam. I super appreciate your authenticity and your vulnerability just to be real with us today. Sam Knibbs (36:01) Thank you so much for having me.

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