Freedom & Flourish

Breaking free from diet culture, the podcast you didn't know you needed. 
Interviews with fitness professionals, athletes, dietitians, mental health professionals and real women designed to help you develop a strong healthy body without the ...more

Hosted by

About the Show

Breaking free from diet culture, the podcast you didn't know you needed. 
Interviews with fitness professionals, athletes, dietitians, mental health professionals and real women designed to help you develop a strong healthy body without the ups and downs of dieting. Insightful, inspiring, authentic conversations that will transform your relationship with food, while nourishing and loving the body God gave you. Join us for some laughs, cries and aha moments as we discuss weight stigma, disordered eating, body image, nutrition education, intuitive eating and more.

Meet our Hosts

Jill Moellering

Jill Moellering

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, I have struggled in my life with my relationship with food, my self-worth, negative body image, and other lies from the enemy. I became a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to heal my digestive issues, fatigue and chronic headaches and although I learned a great deal about supporting the bodies systems and it's own power to heal, I also created an unhealthy relationship with food in my body in the process. Labeling foods is good and bad and labeling myself is good and bad whether I'd participated in eating certain foods that day or based on how much I'd eaten. I wrestled with binge eating, emotional eating and my confidence and self-esteem tanked when I didn't live up to my own expectations or societies expectations of what I should eat and what my body should look like. I tried to rely on my own power, and understanding to make the changes in my life that I thought would lead to happiness. As I started to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus I learned the lies of the enemy and at the same time, my relationship with food was changing. I started to understand that restriction created more of a desire and obsession for the foods that I was limiting. I started to have more grace and acceptance for myself and my life started to transform. I now understand that good health should come from a place of self-love, and be a source of joy, empowerment. Not a never-ending battle with restrictive diets and guilt-ridden choices and I was only able to do that through God's love and truth. With years of experience as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am on a mission to shift the narrative around health and well-being and help women find freedom, joy and happiness in a body that they love and a life that they enjoy.